7 Risks of Contcat Lenses How to Wear Them safely

More than 30 million Americans wear contact lens all the time, which are endorsed and managed by the FDA. Be that as it may, as a standout amongst the most advantageous choices for enhancing your vision – besides wearing glasses – these apparently unsafe bits of plastic might make harm your wellbeing. Here are seven major dangers that accompany wearing contact lenses, and tips on the best way to securely perfect, store and wear contact lenses. 7 Dangers of Wearing Contact Lenses 1. More serious Risk of Eye Infections (Especially Keratitis) Keratitis, the most widely recognized contamination that can come about because of wearing contact lenses, is caused by dust, microbes, infections, and in uncommon cases, eye parasites (2). On the off chance that there are scratches on your contact lenses , they can rub the external surface of your cornea, making it simpler for microscopic organisms to get in and cause a contamination. These scratc...